Tuesday, January 15, 2019


Please note that Shri Mataji transferred the ownership of Her Intellectual Property to Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Sahaja Yoga World Foundation’ (Non-profit company) to preserve Her talks and tapes. She Mataji did not give ownership rights to Nirmalavidya LLC,/NIPC a profit making company. So Legally, NIPC/Nirmlavidya LLC a profit company does not have any authority to copyright. Based on many talks Shri Mataji never agreed for Copyrighting Her talks.

Jai Shri Mataji

Please read this document, NIRMAL INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY CORPORATION (NIPC) FACT-FINDING REPORT May 2014, original file is attached, which is not search friendly. Below document is search friendly.

Below document is search friendly.

Below link is for original file, which is not search friendly. 

From the above document, we found copyright info in two pages 65 and 69. Please find those search results below.

copying below from page 65 to 69

As the attention of Sir C.P. and the Sahaja Yogis turned to the intellectual property following Guru Puja, a number of issues were raised, including legal issues as well as the physical protection and preservation of Shri Mataji's tapes. However, for the purpose of this report, only the intellectual property legal issues are addressed.
On Jul 27, 2005, at 5:40 PM, Paul Ellis wrote to Alan Wherry (D328):
“Alan: As you requested, I am sending this to follow-up on our conversation of earlier today. There have been several conversations that I have had or have been involved with when Sir C.P. spoke to this topic. At Sahasrara day, he said to me, Alan Pereira, Arneau and others that he would like to have us put forward a proposal to consolidate all of the intellectual property within such legal entity as we would propose. When I followed up to ask him what IP he was referring to, he said, "everything," meaning tapes, videos, books, etc.
Then, in the airport upon their arrival in the U.S., he clarified this a little more by saying that this proposal should address not just the legal matters, but all aspects of the process of maintaining and disseminating audios and videos, including maintaining and preserving the tapes, reproduction, distribution, finances, defense of copyright, etc. He was proposing that this should all be much more centralized and consolidated than the dispersed, hodgepodge system that we have now. Also, as I mentioned to the group on Sunday, Sir C.P. said that he and Shri Mataji regard this as one of the most
© 2014 Nirmala Vidya, LLC
important, if not the most important, tasks currently before WCASY. He said to me "there is not a day to lose.”
The Legal Committee has been working on a proposal with respect to legal issues. But when Sir C.P. expanded the scope in the conversation we had in the airport, I realized that this proposal went far beyond the realm of the Legal Committee and really needs the input of the Committee charged with audios, videos and books, as well as the Finance Committee (...)”
In a following email written on July 28th, Paul Ellis, in a bid to move matters forward wrote to a number of leaders (D379):
“Everyone: Thanks to Alan for his thoughts on this. I have a couple of reply comments as set forth below.
But, more importantly, I wanted to update everyone based on a conversation with Sir C.P. last night. He stated that, in his view, now that WCASY has been formally established, developing a coordinated means of preserving and distributing audios and videos of Shri Mataji is, without question, the most important task before WCASY. He added that he is hoping that we can make some significant progress on this before he and Shri Mataji depart from the U.S.
So, given that they will be leaving in around 6 weeks, we really need to get cracking on this (...).
In order to try to light a fire on this, I am expanding this discussion to include the entire Legal Committee. Alan and Gagan, perhaps you would like to do the same for the Communications/Publications and Finance Committees.
The bottom line is that the time is short, so it is important to find the people who have the time and the will to push this project forward and to formulate this proposal within the next few weeks. Let's all please give whatever input we can to get things moving. In particular, those among us that feel that they would be able to take an active role in this should speak up."
On 31 July, 2005, Paul Ellis wrote to a number of leaders (D43):
“Dear Brothers: A couple of days have gone by, and I have yet to receive any responses on the following message that I sent out on the 28th. I apologize for sounding like a squeaky wheel, but, as a group, we need to get this project moving. Part of my concern about this is that every day that I see Sir C.P., without fail, he raises this subject and asks me how it is going.
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Last night I told him that we were in the process of setting up a team to address this and that I believed that we would be getting it moving quite soon.
So again, I would request some feedback on this to get a team together and prepare the proposal that Sir C.P. has requested. As I have said, I will certainly make sure that the legal issues get covered, but that is only one, relatively small, part of this effort. As this is fundamentally about preserving and distributing Shri Mataji's spoken and written words, it does seem that, at some level, either the Publications/Communications Committee or some of its members need to be at the core of this effort.
So let's all please get a dialogue going with some proposals for moving this forward. It may be that Alan is unable to check email from wherever he is in Russia. Can Manoj or anyone else who knows the membership of the Communications/Publication committee please circulate this to them so we can get their input? (...)"
A couple of emails were exchanged between various World Council members on issues raised in Paul's emails, but in view of the importance of this matter and a need for greater input, Paul Ellis wrote to the World Council on August 2, 2005 (D43):
“Dear Brothers and Sisters of the World Council,
I am forwarding for all of your information, various email messages that have been circulated over the last week regarding Sir C.P.'s very urgent request, that he is repeating virtually daily, that we take immediate steps to develop a consolidated, worldwide strategy for gathering, inventorying, preserving, duplicating, distributing and legally protecting Shri Mataji's spoken and written words (...) First Sir C.P. has been stressing the urgency of this since he arrived in America. Second, although I raised it at the WCSAY meeting (...) it doesn't seem like we are any closer to reaching any decisions (...) Part of the reason I want to bring all of you in the loop is that it ahs (sic) clearly been set out as the next big step for WCASY. As Sir C.P. is asking about it daily, I felt it important that all of the members be aware of how important this is and the urgency with which we need to act (...) So let's please reply with some very concrete views about who can take this on, how to form the team or whatever it takes. Not to put too fine a point on this but, whenever Sir C.P. has asked about how WCASY is doing in moving forward with this project, I have basically had to give him some version of "we're working on it." When it comes up tonight, which it almost certainly will, it would be great to have something a little more definitive to say.

Chris Kyriacou responded on August 2, 2005, saying (D43):
“I just wanted to add a word of support to what Paul has already written. I was fortunate to have a number of meetings with Sir CP over the days following Guru Puja (...) On three occasion (sic) Sir CP mentioned that he considered the preservation, archiving, and access of Shri Mataji's legacy in all its forms especially Audio and Visual as the number 1 priority of the Council."
Reflecting on his role in the IP transfer process, Paul Ellis writes (D373, #42 - 44):
42. “Because of the nature of the project, the transfer and protection of the IP necessarily required the involvement of a much broader group of people than had been required for the organizational documents. For example, the transfer documents required a list of all of the IP that was being conveyed, an effort which involved the attention of yogis from around the world. Similarly, unlike the organizational documents of the Foundation, there were significant non-legal issues, particularly involving the royalty rates and other terms of the transfer, that required the input of Gagan, Alan Wherry and others. Also, while it received less attention than the actual transfer, Sir CP's goals for this project included a broad effort to protect, preserve and distribute Shri Mataji's talks and texts in a far more coordinated manner than had been done in the past, an effort which went far beyond the mere legal considerations of the transfer.
43. Sir CP was very focused on this project, and would ask me about it on a daily basis, expecting reports of progress and constantly reminding me and the others who were present about its importance. Nevertheless, despite our best efforts, it was difficult to move this project forward with as much haste as Sir CP was expecting. It was not for lack of trying, as the collective was quite supportive of the IP transfer. Rather, the problem was that given the need to assemble a complete list of Shri Mataji's talks and texts while addressing numerous legal issues, the project required a significant amount of manpower and a great deal of coordination in the efforts of many people from different collectives around the world.
44. As a first task in the IP transfer, we selected an intellectual property attorney by the name of Alan Kaufman. Kaufman had been recommended by Alan Wherry, who had worked with him in the past, and he had significant experience in IP matters at the
international level. Kaufman confirmed early on, as virtually every other attorney with knowledge of this topic had suggested, that Shri Mataji's IP would be best protected if it was held by an entity based in the US. Thus, the transfer to the Foundation fit squarely into the legal advice that we were receiving.”
© 2014 Nirmala Vidya, LLC
In an email on August 5, 2005, Manoj Kumar reported about a conversation with Sir CP:
Gagan, Karan and I had a long discussion with Sir CP last night about Audio/Video project and here are some key points from the discussion:
Task 1: Gather information and list all the masters from around the world (Where these are, who is in-charge?),
Task 2: Move these masters to a centeralized (sic) location (Possibly Austria) as soon as possible,
Task 3: Engage a legal team to acquire a worldwide copyright on all these masters in the name of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Sahaja Yoga Foundation (DBA World Council)
Task 4: Put together a team of technical experts (Professionals) to develop a high quality media master for all the audios and videos. In the essence of time, we may have to outsource this task and this could be a significant investment in the range of $100,000 or so. However, this should not be compromised. All of this will be recovered with the first release of new media.
Task 5: Develop various pricing/royalty/etc. plans for worldwide distribution
Task 6: Develop a reproduction and distribution plan
Task 7: Setup various re-production and distribution centers around the Globe (India (Infosys), Europe, America, Australia, Russia, etc.). A consistency must be maintained and all these re-production and distribution centers will work under the guidance and umbrella of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Sahaja Yoga Foundation." (D334)
Paul Ellis sent an email dated August 11, 2005 (D260) to Alan Periera, David Spiro, Derek Lee, Gagan Ahluwalia, Rajiv Kumar, Chris Kyriacou, Jo Delaney, Horacio Albertolli, Manoj Kumar, Alan Wherry, Gregoire de Kalbermatten, Ivan Tan and Arneau de Kalbermatten entitled “Audio Video Legal Status/Finance Committee Approval” regarding the selection of the IP attorney, Alan Kaufman.
“Dear Brothers and Sisters:
(...) Current status of the legal side of the Audio/Video/Book project is as follows. After interviewing a number of different attorneys this week, yesterday I spoke with someone that I would suggest that we use for this work. He is a senior attorney with 20 years of experience in international intellectual property issues as the VP and General Counsel of Penguin Books. He was recommended by Alan Wherry who has worked with him in

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