On Saturday, December 8, 2018 at 7:50:57 PM UTC-5, John Noyce wrote:
Dear all
My email to the NIPC was in April 2016. It was a forwarding of concerns raised by yogis on fb and elsewhere for the NIPC's consideration.I had worked with Horacio and the NIPC's US IP lawyers in 2015 in tracking the many web locations of the South African false Kalki and his followers.There were also in that time period several commercial uses of videos of Shri Mataji's Talks, including a Belgian student asking for donations, and a hypnotism site subtitling a video. The latter got taken down in 48 hours which showed that the NIPC and its lawyer could move quickly when necessary.The comparison in 2018 with the Sahaja Online platform and with SM seems to me to be worthy of further consideration.So would suggest a collectively written email outlining the concerns to the NIPC via Horacio or other NIPC directors.John
On Sun, Dec 9, 2018 at 9:44 AM Michail Kastellorizios <micha...@gmail.com> wrote:Uncle John, thanks for the clarification. I too am interested in branding of Shri Mataji's legacy. For example, I am concerned about the relatively recent 'Sahaja Online' platform that is a re-branding of Shri Mataji's legacy to an extend far greater than Sahaja Meditation or Maha Yoga ever were. Here's their link:Everyone can take a look and see if they recognize Shri Mataji's Sahaja Yoga in there. I was honestly lost for words when I first went through the content. This is a very deliberate and methodical adulteration of Shri Mataji's legacy and I'm surprised that NIPC is OK with Shri Mataji's talks being shared, via the Sahaja Online youtube channel, as an integral part of this Sahaja Online nonsense. Still, I wouldn't take action and try to stop it - it's what they want to do and Shri Mataji did give all of us the freedom to spread Sahaja Yoga in whatever ways we can.However, we should be fair to everyone and the same courtesy should be extended to Maha Yoga, so I don't really see why have concern about the one and not the other? Can you tell us what made you feel concerned about Maha Yoga while not being concerned about Sahaja Meditation or Sahaja Online?BestMike
On Sat, Dec 8, 2018 at 4:54 PM John Noyce <johnn...@gmail.com> wrote:For the record, the Australian Sahaja yogi mentioned in the NIPC letter was me. I sent a brief email to the NIPC on April 9, 2016 expressing concern about the MahaYoga branding of Shri Mataji's videos on youtube.
Its curious that it took two and a half years to consider and reach a decision.Its good that NIPC recognised that they needed to give their reasons in writing, and also that they recognised that the deletion of the MahaYoga youtube account was an unintended consequence of their takedowns, and they needed to offer to help rectify that.John
On Sun, Dec 9, 2018 at 3:55 AM Adrian Vasiu <adrianv...@gmail.com> wrote:Dear All,
Could we all please return to focus on, `Is there anything we could do collectively, i.e., in the way desired by Angi Didi, to help with the Maha Yoga situation?' Haritha's post was, of course, to inform us, but, I guess, also to get some help -- and less to discuss the history of CEL or to compare USA and Europe.
1. Does anyone know who is the Australian Sahaja Yogi is and why and what matters did he bring to the attention of NIPC?
2. Haritha, would it be possible to have clear-cut samples on what "brand" Maha Yoga used? You could use it as a sample on some new video (file or link) which is not related to talks of Shri Mataji.
3. Haritha, would it be possible to have a factual and detailed description with dates of: (a) all communications initiated by NV before striking the Maha Yoga channel, and (b) all communications and strikes initiated by NV since the very first strike (inclusive)?
4. Could we identify other "brands" used on youtube and vimeo accounts and which are either not known to or are tolerated by or possible even supported by NIPC?
5. Could we please identify other youtube and vimeo accounts to which "hundreds of videos of Shri Mataji were uploaded in their entirety," besides youtube and vimeo accounts hosted by the two platforms mentioned by NV (NirmalaVidya.org and on Amruta.org)?
Thank you.
Jay Shri Mataji!
On Fri, Dec 7, 2018 at 2:01 PM Haritha Prasad <haritha...@gmail.com> wrote:Here is the response from NIPC,********************************************************* Jai Shri Mataji
Dear Maha Yoga members
As you are aware action has been taken concerning the violation of Shri Mataji's Intellectual Property rights which has resulted in the removal of Shri Mataji's talks from the Maha Yoga youtube channel. This has nothing to do with the Sahaja Meditation and Sahaja Yoga debate in America. It is an Australian Sahaja Yogi that brought this matter to our attention. We will also assist you in putting your youtube channel back online but without the library of Shri Mataji's talks.
Before we comment further, it is important to affirm the inalienable right of every Sahaja Yogi to spread and practice Sahaja Yoga freely. It is impossible to do this without having access to the full and authentic knowledge of Shri Mataji, just as She shared it with us. For this reason all of Shri Mataji's talks and videos are available to everyone in the world at every hour of every day on NirmalaVidya.org and on Amruta.org. In addition, Shri Mataji's talks and videos are in the possession of Sahaja Yogis all over the world and this is the way it should be.
This does not mean however that anything can be posted anywhere by anyone at any time.
Action has been taken concerning the videos of Shri Mataji posted on the Maha Yoga channel for the following reasons:
- the Maha Yoga channel put its "brand" of Maha Yoga on all of the videos of Shri Mataj. This is inappropriate. These videos do not belong to Maha Yoga channel or association and nor should videos or audios of Shri Mataji be associated with any type of "brand".
- hundreds of videos of Shri Mataji were uploaded in their entirety to the Maha Yoga channel. This poses legal issues and practical issues as potentially hundreds of youtube channels could each post "their own" hundreds of talks of Shri Mataji. A link to a video of Shri Mataji can be created by anyone which leads to the above mentioned internet sites using the same youtube channel and on which all of Shri Mataji's talks are uploaded;
Lastly, we strongly urge you to engage again with the larger collectivity in the America. Shri Mataji spread Sahaja Yoga not Maha Yoga. If you want to avoid using Sahaja Yoga or Sahaja Meditation in order to approach Corporations or government bodies please be aware that Shri Mataji authorised Sahaja Yogis to give realisation through the Center for Evolutionary Learning (CEL).
We do express our reservations about the use of Maha Yoga to spread what is in fact, Sahaja Yoga, but this is more a matter for you to sort out with the collectivity in America. Please give us the name of a Sahaja Yogi we can work with to get your youtube channel running again.
We await the name of this Sahaja Yogi and in the meantime will not be engaging in a back and forth by email.
With sincere respect,
Nirmala Vidya llcc/o Nirmal Intellectual Property Corp.
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